Why not find out by trying our new Archery Range?
Spend an action-packed day, weekend, or week (if you can stand the pace you wuss) at our state-of-the-art center enjoying the finest outdoor activities that money can buy. We equip you with all the latest gadgets and gizmos to make your stay as radical as possible, whilst ensuring your safety. We’ll even throw in We’ll even throw in BBQ lunch all you can eat !!! or an Army-style mess lunch (tin plates all) to keep your pecker up.
Target Archery
This is the type of archery you are most likely to be familiar with and is the Olympic form of the sport. It consists of shooting a given number of arrows at targets at a set distance.
- Fun, Fun Fun 'til Daddy takes the Uzi away!
- Once you've used up all your adrenaline for the day, we set you up for the night in your hotel, where you can enjoy fine foods, fine ales, and a fine old crack.
- Girl-friendly - we welcome Hen Parties and mixed groups
- Call us now on 07970 884694 - if you think you're hard enough! All you need is a sense of adventure, and a bucketload of beer money and, if you want to beat our grunts at their own game, you'll need to be Billy Big Bo**ocks.
- We also arrange Reunions, Works 'dos, romantic weekends (with big guns), and organized children's mini treks.
- Additional activities can be arranged if you need more - Clay, Karts, Rafts, Trekking, Golf, etc. You name it, we'll do it!
- Alcohol-free beverages are always available for the designated drives on your last day.